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Episode 6.8 is the eighth episode of the sixth season of Primeval.


A relative of the T. rex attacks a greenhouse. Meanwhile, Lester has to decide whether or not to believe the existence of a second Matt.


In the A.R.C, Lester is shown the note Matt found on his desk but he still doesn't buy the existence of a second Matt or the mystery surrounding him. Suddenly, the detector goes off and Jess informs everyone that there are two anomalies, one in the city and another at a greenhouse. She then starts receiving reports of an Albertosaurus rampaging through the streets of London, and Connor tells her that he'll take Kieran, Ryan, and Anna with him and they set out to deal with the city anomaly. Meanwhile, Matt, Abby, Emily, Becker and Danny are sent to deal with the greenhouse anomaly.

A few minutes later, at the greenhouse, Matt's team arrive and discovers the body of a man. As Abby checks to confirm if the man is dead, the team is attacked by a Gorgosaurus. However, they quickly fire their EMDs at it, causing it to flee. Matt tells Becker to inform Jess about the Gorgosaur incursion at the greenhouse while he and the others go after the Gorgosaurus and the anomaly.

Back at the A.R.C, Ryan is on the comms, telling Jess that the Albertosaurus has taken Kieran and Connor has gone after him. Jess tells Ryan to keep her updated before receiving Becker's call. As Jess is taking the call, Lester asks for an update, to which she gives him a rundown of the current situation at both anomaly sites. Lester makes a sarcastic comment about the situation and just as he is about to head back to the office, he notices something on the CCTV feed of the Menagerie. Jess notices this and asks him what's wrong, to which he tells her he saw something in the CCTV feed of the Menagerie and has Jess send someone down to the Menagerie to check it out before heading back to his office. At the Menagerie, an A.R.C soldier enters the Menagerie and looks around for anything suspicious, but finds nothing, so he leaves.

Meanwhile, at the alleyway anomaly site, Ryan and Anna wait patiently for Connor to return with Kieran, but as more time passes, Ryan gets worried and tries to go after Connor. However, Anna stops him, telling him that Connor knows what he's doing.

Back at the greenhouse, the team has captured the Gorgosaurus and just sent it back through the anomaly. While Danny, Emily, Becker, and Matt stand guard, Abby prepares to lock the anomaly but before she is about to lock it, she spots an anomaly opening device laying by the anomaly and picks it up. This catches Matt's attention, and he asks what Abby had found. She gives him the anomaly opening device and proposes the idea of using it to close the anomaly. Matt gives it a try, but instead of closing the anomaly in front of them, the anomaly opening device opens another anomaly, letting loose another Gorgosaurus. Danny fires his EMD at it, but he misses, and the Gorgosaurus wrecks the greenhouse before fleeing into the nearby woods. Matt sends Becker and Abby after the Gorgosaurus while he, Emily, and Danny try to deal with the anomaly. Becker and Abby immediately run after the Gorgosaurus, following its path of destruction before catching up with the tyrannosaur. However, it strays from its current path toward a nearby school, where some kids are playing. Abby and Becker try to stop the Gorgosaurus, but are too late and can only watch in horror as the Gorgosaurus attacks and kills the teachers and students outside of the school. Abby calls for backup before she and Becker hide from the Gorgosaurus, which heads back toward the anomaly site. Jess sends a squad of ten soldiers to the site, and while some of the soldiers stay behind to deal with the massacre at the school, Abby, Becker, and the rest of the soldiers herd the Gorgosaurus back to the anomaly site. They warn Matt, Emily, and Danny shortly before the Gorogosaurus arrives at the greenhouse and they successfully send it back through the anomaly. As one of the soldiers sets up a locking device to lock the second anomaly, the Gorgosaurus pops back through the anomaly, grabs him, and pulls him through the anomaly.

Meanwhile, at the A.R.C, while Jess is receiving word of the Gorgosaur pulling the soldier through the anomaly, Lester looks over the evidence of the second Matt and wonders if Matt is telling the truth. He then sees Jenny walk past his office and quickly calls her over. As Jenny walks up to him, Lester asks her for her opinion about the existence of a second Matt, to which she says there's a possibility that there could be a second Matt if all this weird stuff [the anomalies] is happening to them.

Meanwhile, at the alleyway anomaly site, Ryan tells Anna that he's going through the anomaly and enters the anomaly before she can protest. Upon exiting through the anomaly, he finds himself at a spaghetti junction and spots Connor and an injured Kieran, without their Type 5 EMDs, walking towards him. He quickly runs over to helps them get back to the anomaly, but just as they begin to make their way back to the anomaly, they are attacked by a Gorgosaurus, but it is quickly knocked out by and EMD charge from Anna, who had also come through the anomaly. After some thank yous, the four of them head back thorough and lock it once they exit onto the other side.

Back at the greenhouse, Jess gives Matt the green light to send a rescue team after the soldier and he sends Abby, Becker, and Danny to go after the soldier. The three enter the anomaly and find themselves in a forest and as they look for the soldier, they run into the Gorgosaurus, who is feasting on the soldier, or what's left of him. It attacks them, but Danny fires his EMD at it and knocks it out. As they turn back toward the anomaly, they are horrified as it begins to close and make a run for it. However, before they can get to the anomaly, it closes. On the other side, Matt, Emily, and the soldiers look in horror as the anomaly closes and they come to terms of what just happened.

Meanwhile, in the past, Danny spots another anomaly nearby and points it out to Becker and Abby. With not much of a choice, the three decide to go through it and they find themselves at the spaghetti junction. As Becker and Danny look around in awe, Abby notices Gorgosaurus footprints on the ground and crouches down to investigate. However, before she can properly look at the footprints, the Gorgosaurus had Anna shot earlier attacks them. The three of them quickly fire their EMDs at it as they back away from the anomaly and forces it through the anomaly. Once the Gorgosaurus had disappeared through the anomaly, the three notice shoeprints on the ground and traces it to the alleyway anomaly. However, to their dismay, the anomaly is locked, but Abby suddenly remembers the piece of data Connor found on his computer when it was hacked and tells Danny and Becker. They decide to give it a try, and to their relief, the anomaly unlocks itself and the trio goes through. When they exit out the other side, they are met with an awestruck Connor, Kieran, Ryan, and Anna. Kieran asks what just happens to which Connor asks Abby if it had something to do with the data he told her about, to which she says yes. After a brief explanation, Becker calls Matt through the comms, telling him that he, Danny, and Abby found a way back and to head back to the A.R.C. Matt asks him how they got back, to which Becker says it's complicated and promises to tell him once they get back to the A.R.C. After ending the call, Emily asks Matt who that was, to which Matt tells Emily that Becker, Danny, and Abby found another way back and are with Connor before ordering everyone to head back to the A.R.C.

Later, at the A.R.C, Lester calls Matt, Emily, Connor, and Abby into his office and he tells them that he believes them and will speak to the Minister about the situation before dismissing them. Everyone, except Connor, leaves and Lester asks why Connor isn't leaving yet. Connor tells him that while he was in the spaghetti junction trying to find Kieran, he ran into Evan Cross and found out that a Canadian government organisation, called Project Magnet, is trying to using the anomalies to save humanity, and that their leader, Colonel Henderson Hall, wouldn't listen to his warnings. Lester tells him that he will bring this to the Minister's attention and see if he can halt Colonel Hall's plans.

Meanwhile, Abby enters the Menagerie and watches Rex, Sid, and Nancy playing before hearing someone enter the Menagerie. Thinking it's Connor, she asks to see how he is, only to find out that it's the second Matt that is in the Menagerie with her. She asks him why he is here, to which he tells her that "Matt must find the answers before they arrive" before leaving a worried Abby in the Menagerie.


  • Matt Anderson
  • Connor Temple
  • Abby Maitland
  • Captain Hilary Becker
  • Emily Merchant
  • Jess Parker
  • James Lester
  • Danny Quinn
  • Jenny Miller (Cameo)
  • Keiran Coles
  • Ryan Backer
  • Anna Legg
  • Second Matt Anderson
  • Evan Cross (mentioned)
  • Colonel Henderson Hall (mentioned)



  • A.R.C
  • A.R.C Menagerie
  • London Alleyway
  • Greenhouse
  • Cretaceous Lakeside Spaghetti Junction
  • Cretaceous Woods
  • School


  • This marks the first episode since Episode 5.6 to have more than one anomaly in an episode


  • The Gorgosaurus is slightly bigger than its real-life counterpart
  • The Gorgosaurus also stands somewhat upright even through fossil remains prove otherwise


  • This episode takes place alongside the first season finale of Primeval: New World

